This is the first post!

This Is the blog that covers my trip through the final assignment of the 2 year HNC photography course I’m doing at Leicester college. I have learnt so much about about people on this odyssey through the world of photography. I’m looking at the unit handbook now (one day before the hand in), thinking mmm, I’ve got a bit to do yet! My humour does get the better of me most of the time though, and the thought of me being a highbrow intellectual type does make me lol. I have tried hard though, on this pilgrimage through the holy art of imagery that at once enriches and curses our lives to make the best pictures that I can. I have made my images first in most cases, then looked for influences. In a way, that might be the right way to do it, we are the sum of what we have experienced. I don’t understand how my character was formed, so somewhere along the line, subconsciously, I have taken in lots of things that where created and influenced by others. It’s like rushing helter skelter down  the rapids of time in a small boat, experiencing images, sounds, and feelings that have made me what we am.