M and D continuing

The theme of this set of pictures has changed here. I started with a collection of books that I read years ago, then some Lps that  I used to listen to a lot and a few art books. I could have said that all the objects in the image had formed the way I looked at the world and influence me still, albeit subconsciously. The are objects from my past too, and objects in themselves and, in that passing of time have become no more than clutter.DSC_4048

I have added to this now objects that were my wifes, and my mothers, both dead now. These have emotional meaning for me. I stop and look at each of these things and remember them. I made the Bell with someone who has also passed away. In the passing of time, are these also, clutter?



The challenge again


Well, I’m gonna have to fill this void myself aren’t I? So I need a theme, maybe something about things that come from past that don’t have any relevance to me any more. Old books maybe, pictures, objects. Things that may be connected with memories, you know, you find an old box in the loft, you haven’t seen the contents for years. These objects are triggers that fire your memory into action and you begin to reminisce about what happened in the past, eliciting thoughts of pleasure or regret. This memorabilia gets put back into it’s box, to await the next time you open the box. After having lived these events once, why relive them again every time you find this box? Perhaps an image of all these objects spread out all over the space above? Then get rid of the box! A picture of the old stuff in a dustbin.

The Challenge



This is an empty room. The butterflies represent my brain. A butterfly brain. It flits from here to there and back if I let it. It’s my blessing… and my curse. What I have to do is fill this space. I know people look at my blog. Some even follow it. I have some ideas that I’m going to try here. But does anyone out there in that space where everyone watches but nobody speaks, want give me an idea of how I can fill this space?