Moving on, things were getting a bit dark.

The previous picture was personal to me. I explained a little of it’s content. I’d like to photograph the interior of a hoarders house where each object is steeped in a memory that the hoarder can not let go of. My picture was my set of objects steeped in memories too. Each viewer has their own interpretation of it. My image might make me cry if I looked at it long enough.                                  Lets lighten up a bit.

The room looks like this now.



My cameras light meter would have me lower the shutter speed by about 3 stops. But then it wouldn’t look like this would it?  It’s 9 o’clock, I’m waiting for it to get dark. The dolls have come back. I have, in the back of my mind memories of very strange  images containing dolls. But I’d like to get some dolls and make us see the brighter side of their lives. While I’m waiting have look at this.




This is done in a similar way to the other images of where I work with each layer being lightened and manipulated in lightroom. There is a floor and a roof.Everything is there, but in a different order. It is almost like seeing the whole 360 degrees of the space at once. I have always been interested in geometry, planes and space. I like a mass of detail too.

This is from a book called The British Isles, by Colour Library Books Ltd. I think it’s a book club book or something. There are no photographer credits and no information about where 90% of the pictures are taken.



I love the feeling of space in this and the almost overpowering amount of detail. I would love to go and take this picture, if I knew where it was…. My daughter just told me it’s Notre Dame in Paris.

Back to the room, it must be pretty dark in there by now!



Yep, it’s dark! 11.00pm. Lets arrange the lighting.



That led torch is far too bright, lets get another angle on this too.

contact sheet


You can see what this is now, a girls night in for dolls. Glass of wine, a few nibbles, good film, and no blokes! I think the last image is getting closer to what I had in mind. The inspiration for this is the Gogglebox TV show. Helen and I love it! This show is part of my cultural heritage. Viewers are filmed whilst they watch TV.

This is the first lighting setup. An Led torch with an aluminium reflector to replicate the light coming from a TV.






I found this to be too harsh and cold a light source so I removed the reflector.


Which softened the light and the shadows, also it warmed the light by reflecting of the red off the plastic TV. Lets take a look at the last image.




Hand held at 1/10th of a second! Not bad for an old guy eh! The composition isn’t right, the doll that’s laying down on the right should be upright. I could take this into lightroom and sort it out.



This is the effect I have in mind. I like the different colours reflecting of the TV screen. It’s not all in focus though. I’ve used a graduated filter to to brighten up the dolls face on the left, and another to bring out the face of the doll at the back. The crop just tightens the image up a bit. Maybe rotate the TV to the left slightly.






contact sheet 2


I’ve tried a bit of rudimentary light painting here, using the implements you see in image 24. (click on the image to enlarge it)

One of the masters of this technique is Harold Ross…

Light painted photogaph of the Biltmore House

Light painted photogaph of the Biltmore House

To put it very crudely he waves torches and hand held lights around his objects doing bits at a time, then adding the different layers together in photoshop creates this type of strangely beautiful image. To be honest, I find his work sterile, devoid of life. Technically stupendous though! You can’t find out that much about how he does it. He earns his keep with his workshops.

So to my meagre attempts….   These done with the large LED light in (second contact sheet no24) I wafted the light all over the dolls, not much shadow behind the dolls. This is a bit flat.





You can see the brush strokes here. This with the large maglite. I like the colour here and composition.











This with the very small LED light for 30 secs.

To continue….





The Challenge



This is an empty room. The butterflies represent my brain. A butterfly brain. It flits from here to there and back if I let it. It’s my blessing… and my curse. What I have to do is fill this space. I know people look at my blog. Some even follow it. I have some ideas that I’m going to try here. But does anyone out there in that space where everyone watches but nobody speaks, want give me an idea of how I can fill this space?